Extra Lessons Academy/Mindset

projects Mindset Learn Mindset Learn contracted me to build a second Ionic phone application and backend to allow learners to practice tests for different grades. Question and test builder for different grades and subjects using Firebase and Angular. Auto-updated once questions when they are active. The application works offline once an initial synchronisation is done. […]

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Angelcy Brand Messengers cc

projects Angelcy Brand Messengers cc Build a web-based, mobile-friendly ring builder in Angular. All information to come from Magento Plugin for Magento for information required by ring builder Setup of Ansible Tower and Ansible scripts for server management Ansible Tower and Ansible scripts were set up to pull server information and perform maintenance and information-gathering […]

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projects Tuluntulu Admin interface built using Angular with Laravel for API and authentication. 01 Rebuilt video streaming system 02 Built a video asset management system 03 Built a liner playback system 04 Built an automated video asset ingestion system and automatic conversion system 05 Built multiple video stream scheduling systems with reporting 06 Built ingestion […]

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projects Kantar Terraform AWS Ansible Docker AngularJS Laravel Rebuilding Applications The project goal is to move to using Raspberry PIs for servers to run the PABX software. Our strategy is to initially implement this in new offices, with a well-defined plan to transition the existing systems as needed gradually. Automated Raspberry Pi Image creation running […]

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Tracklab Solar

projects Tracklab Database Build | Web Application | Testing Application I was brought to build a system to capture and display information for IoT solar panel control systems. The API was built using Laravel, and the front end with React. Data was stored in PostgreSQL using the TimescaleDb extension. I was also tasked with building […]

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projects Databuild Contracted in to help with a legacy application. Maintenance for a legacy PHP system while it is being migrated to a .Net system Rebuild parts of the application over to Laravel with an Angular frontend, allowing clients to query information via API. Wrap older applications in docker to allow for moving to a […]

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projects CourierBoost Application, Frontend and DevOps I was brought in to design and build a new application for courier management. The backend was built using Laravel and Postgres, and the front end was built using React. This system needed to integrate with multiple backend systems and handle the end-to-end tracking and management of courier deliveries.

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projects VanUse Application API and Deployment The application was rewritten from the original proof of concept application. The new application was rewritten into Python and Danjo using PostgreSQL from a .Net application running on a Microsoft SQL server. I did the backend and API rewrite. This also involved handling the deployment and development environments. The […]

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projects MPowered DevOps Brought in to manage the DevOps for Mpowered. Inherited a system that was in the process of being migrated to AWS. The original system that was migrated was using NixOs. I had to finish the migration and manage the systems after migrating. I also created a development environment user docker for local […]

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projects LucidView Custom DNS server filtering Create a custom DNS server that can, via IP and DNS wildcard match, return a custom IP for site blocking. The system needed to handle multiple client lists and live update its config when settings changed. It also needed to be able to run in multiple locations with a […]

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