Custom DNS server filtering
The system needed to handle multiple client lists and live update its config when settings changed.
It also needed to be able to run in multiple locations with a simple single update system.
The first version of the DNS system was written in Node to enable something to get up and work quickly.
This was then written using CoreDNS and GoLang.
Configuration and management of the configuration were implemented with Postgres and Laravel.
This pulled information from several sources and correlated the data to update the config.
The correlated data was also used to send updates to multiple mikrotiks to update lt2tp connection details for clients.
It also received the DNS look-up log and processed it into a combined and simpler version that was sent to existing import and processing systems.
Part of this was handling the deployment of the software. For this, kubernetes was set up in multiple regions using K3S.
Setup of Ansible Tower and Ansible scripts for server management
Ansible Tower and Ansible scripts were set up to pull server information and perform maintenance and information-gathering tasks.
A Laravel application was created to store and report on the server information. It also provided a simple configuration interface for the Ansible scripts to customise their actions per server.
Part of this was also to create a local development environment using docker.
Help fix legacy applications to manage customer PABX numbers and billing.
Create replacement applications to manage customer PABX numbers and billing.
Create ansible scripts to start managing servers
Setup AWX Tower to run Ansible scripts