

Database Build | Web Application | Testing Application

Haak Co developed web solutions and data systems for Tracklab Solar, leveraging PostgresSQL, ReactJS, and Laravel to capture and display crucial information.

I was brought to build a system to capture and display information for IoT solar panel control systems.

The API was built using Laravel, and the front end with React. Data was stored in PostgreSQL using the TimescaleDb extension.

I was also tasked with building a testing application in Electron. I needed to talk to the board via serial communication and run through a range of tests.

Setup of Ansible Tower and Ansible scripts for server management

Ansible Tower and Ansible scripts were set up to pull server information and perform maintenance and information-gathering tasks.

A Laravel application was created to store and report on the server information. It also provided a simple configuration interface for the Ansible scripts to customise their actions per server.

Part of this was also to create a local development environment using docker.


Help fix legacy applications to manage customer PABX numbers and billing.


Create replacement applications to manage customer PABX numbers and billing.


Create ansible scripts to start managing servers


Setup AWX Tower to run Ansible scripts

At Haak Co, we turn your ideas into digital reality. Website and application development, supported by full stack solutions, from advice to implementation.


    Every great idea deserves to shine. Our team of digital wizards works tirelessly to transform your concepts into captivating digital experiences.

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